
Corporate sustainability

Safe environment management

Safety environment policy

All employees of Daehan Solution
practice sustainable management by protecting
the world environment, human health and natural resources

To achieve the objective, we
□ Comply with the environmental health and safety management system
    and practice continuous improvement.
□ Observe environmental laws and regulations regarding company activities.
□ Develop and supply eco-friendly products for customers.
□ Ensure the process for stakeholders and employees to consult
    and participate.

Quality management policy

Quality management policy

Daehan Solution's best value is to impress customers with the
best quality and service through continuous improvement activities.

To achieve the objective, we
□ Comply with the environmental health and safety management system
    and practice continuous improvement.
□ Prioritize customer satisfaction and quality policies in all policy- and
    decision-making processes.
□ Establish quality objectives for each task and do our utmost to achieve
    the objectives.
□ Accurately recognize the quality objectives and continuously improve
    in order to achieve performance beyond the objective.

Social contribution

Support project for hearing aids for the hearing impaired

Support project for
Purme Foundation Children's rehabilitation hospital
Support activities for the underprivileged through donation of coal ban